Infection Preventionist Membership Benefits
Webinars (Contact Hours and without Contact hours)
Discounts on Certification Courses and Exams
Discounted price on Registration for NADONA Conference
Exclusive Resources on NADONA website for members only
The Director
LTC Publications Available Chamberlain College of Nursing opportunities
Quarterly IP Newsletter filled with articles, updates, new products etc. for the IP
Monthly Computer-side chats for IP Members only - Opportunity to ask questions, discuss topics, general peer conversation, attended and hosted by NADONA staff.
Quarterly IP Webinars - Outside speakers presenting on hot topics and new rules/regulations.
Quarterly meetings (3 virtual meetings and one in person meeting at the national NADONA conference
Quarterly board meetings (Includes officers of the IP Committee)
“The Director” NADONA’s quarterly journal will have an IP Section dedicated to the Infection Preventionist.
If you have 10 or more Infection Preventionists who would like to join or would like to inquire about Corporate Memberships – contact or call 513-791-3628