Nurses Lounge Brings the Nursing Profession to You
Sit back and relax in the Nurses Lounge, a safe and private space for nurses. No direct messages. No one can see your information. Guaranteed privacy as we deliver a personalized nursing profession to you.
40,000 Jobs
12,000 CE courses.
800 Nursing Programs.
Events and Articles.
Ratings & Reviews.
Reasons for NADONA Nurses to sign up and create a dashboard and interact on Nurses Lounge
Find Jobs Near You
- Over 40,000 nursing jobs across the U.S are on the job map. Never miss out on better pay, shifts, or chance to work closer to home.
- Access your very own personalized job map. We'll show you local hospitals, clinics, and health systems that are hiring skillsets like yours in your local zip code and abroad.
Recommended Continuing Education
- Over 12,000 nurse and nurse practitioner continuing education courses are in the Nurses Lounge.
- Nurses Lounge will deliver AACN certified specialty and required state nurse CE courses you need to stay a certified nurse.
- As a Nurses Lounge member you will receive a 20% discount on all activity purchases from our CE partner StatPearls.
Degrees For Me
- Over 800 nursing degree programs are listed in the Nurses Lounge Degree Directory. Create a Dashboard and we'll recommend degrees to you based on your current degree level, specialty, and other important criteria.
- Nurses Lounge will also connect you with your alma mater. Schools share valuable resources for students and alumni that can only be found in Nurses Lounge.
Resume Builder
- Creating a professional looking resume can be time-consuming and tedious. That's why Nurses Lounge creates one for you, so you can stay focused on being a great nurse.
- Create a Dashboard to input your skills as a nurse. Click a button and Nurses Lounge will lay-out and create a professional looking resume. Download the resume as a .PDF to use for applications or use it as a template to make changes as needed.
Ratings & Reviews
- Your experiences matter.
Nurses would love to hear about them. - Nurses Lounge anonymous Ratings & Reviews let you speak your truth about your experiences with employers and nursing programs.
- Share your vast knowledge or get insight from others before you apply to a new job or nursing degree program.
My Calendar
- Access your personalized calendar and stay informed about events relevant to your career.
- No more endless Google searches. My Calendar brings important dates to your dashboard. Virtual info sessions for degree programs, virtual and local job fairs, specialty conferences, CE events, and more delivered to your calendar!
- Never miss out on events that can potentially enhance your career!
The demand for a more flexible workforce is here.
Coming soon, ReadiRN by Nurses Lounge will give you the power to determine your own schedule and pay.
Create a Dashboard
The dashboard allows you to enjoy the forum without clutter and delivers relevant content based on your education, specialty, location, and other career criteria.
On Nurses Lounge your privacy is important.
No one can see your dashboard but you, the information on it, or send you a direct message through it.
We will never share or sell your information to third parties.
Create a dashboard then sit back and relax as we help you achieve your unique nursing goals. We'll deliver jobs, degrees, CE courses, events, articles and more directly to you on a cleanly organized interface.