

Using Probiotics in Addressing AAD (Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea) in the Long-Term Care Setting


An antibiotic stewardship educational module

Learning Objectives
CMS appropriately continues to emphasize its Antibiotic Stewardship program for nursing homes, and education is a core component of that commitment to drive better care. This educational module focuses on one very cost-effective tool that can be employed in that initiative: probiotics.

At the conclusion of this module, participants should understand:

  • Importance of gut microbiota on health
  • Impact of antibiotics on the intestine
  • Probiotics: definition, regulation of, and mechanism of action
  • Data available specific to LGG®
  • Just like antibiotics, not all probiotics are alike
  • Cautions in use

Kalin M. Clifford, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP
Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice, Geriatrics & Pediatrics Division
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy


Webinar ID


Product Description

An antibiotic stewardship educational module

Learning Objectives
CMS appropriately continues to emphasize its Antibiotic Stewardship program for nursing homes, and education is a core component of that commitment to drive better care. This educational module focuses on one very cost-effective tool that can be employed in that initiative: probiotics.

At the conclusion of this module, participants should understand:

  • Importance of gut microbiota on health
  • Impact of antibiotics on the intestine
  • Probiotics: definition, regulation of, and mechanism of action
  • Data available specific to LGG®
  • Just like antibiotics, not all probiotics are alike
  • Cautions in use

Kalin M. Clifford, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP
Assistant Professor Pharmacy Practice, Geriatrics & Pediatrics Division
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
Jerry H. Hodge School of Pharmacy




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