National Association Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care
Since 1986, the National Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care have been THE leading advocate and educational organization for DONs, ADONs and RNs (in management positions and/or serving as Director of Nursing Services, Nurse Administrator, VP of Clinical Services, Consultants, Nurse Educators, MDS Nurses, Staff Development, Transitional Care Nurse, Infection Prevention Nurses or any RN that has previously served in a role equivalent to DON or ADON) in Long Term Care (LTC). NADONA/LTC was founded by dedicated LTC professionals, and our board of trustees still consists of LTC professionals. We understand your daily challenges, and are here to provide you with the tools you need for professional success.
Since 1986, NADONA/LTC has reached many milestones as an organization. Our continued growth is due to our members and their ongoing support and input. Your challenges are our challenges, and we respond daily by creating new resources, tools and programs that support your professional growth and development.