IP of the Year Application


  1. Active member of NADONA IP and/or NADONA

  2. Must have completed a specialized infection prevention training course and provide your certification: NADONA, CDC Nursing Home Infection Preventionist Training Course, APIC-IP, etc.

  3. Must have worked as an infection preventionist in long-term/post-acute care for at least 12 months.

  4. Two letters of recommendation at least one from a leader in the field and one from a direct care worker (one must be a member of NADONA)

    • Why have you chosen to nominate IP

    • How have they gone above and beyond in IP

    • What makes your IP program special

    • How have they impacted your IP program for the better

  5. Candidates will be selected by an awards committee who will be comprised of members of NADONA.

  6. Candidates will not be identified by name to the Awards Committee. Awards will be made at the NADONA Conference.

  7. The nominee obtaining the highest number of points will be awarded “Infection Preventionist Leader of the Year”.